Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and well....sorta. I've had some serious alergies the past week and thought I might die but finally went to a chemist and got some meds. Haven't started looking for a job yet cause I'm still being a lazy ass, and I'm totally fine with that. :)
The apartment is still fabulous, however awkward it may be. I forgot that it was awkward at first in NYC with Mary and Manda, but living with guys makes it about 100 times worse. It's not like they are going to recognize that I'm bored out of my head and need some company. haha. Hopefully we all get to hang out together soon so that I don't feel like such a stranger to them.
Brissy is funny. They have a carnival called Ekka (probably spelled that wrong) and it starts on a Wednesday and it's a public holiday for all of Brisbane. Isn't that the weirdest thing you have ever heard? I thought so. I'm supposed to go to a dinner with one of the roomys for it, apparently this is a big deal around here. It better be fun. Can't wait for some cotton candy and the ferris wheel. Oh to be a kid again....
That's all for now, will write when something actually exciting happens. Like a job. Or a boy...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Job Snob

So I am officially looking for work and officially HATING every second of it. I keep going between this notion that I should just work in a bar and meet people but feel incredibly guilty paying a monthly student loan bill and not using that increasingly useless degree.
I went for an interview today for a position going door to door asking people if they've switched to some random electricity company. Woo freaking hoo. However, the pay is ok and there's all these commission and bonus incentives. So that may be an option.
I have another interview tomorrow for another door to door thing selling internet/mobile services. That one seems far less desireable. Yuck.

Other than that, I have an Australian phone, so if I haven't facebooked you the number let me know and I'll send it over. No more 5809, the trusty number I've had for about...ever now. Really sad about that. Mom and dad are taking me off their plan and putting my oldest brother on. Easily replaceable I suppose.

Hope to hear from SOMEONE soon. Good lord, someone email me I'm beginning to think you don't like me.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Not Much Going On Down Under

I don't really have any new updates, just been hanging out in Sydney. I leave for Brisbane on Sunday and I'm totally stoked about it. My friend has an apartment lined up for me to look at, so let's hope it's fab.
I do have 2 things I've been thinking about, one silly, one confusing.

1. (silly) I will be 25 in under 2 months and was talking with a 17 year old and discovered I am 8 YEARS OLDER than her. Time to start researching botox and menopause meds. FML.

2. (confusing) A few people have asked me if I'm homesick or if I miss anything about home and (guilty enough) I must say...not really. Obvi I miss my friends, family (the ones that answer my phone calls at least), NYC pizza and Taco Bueno, but aside from people and select food products I don't miss much. Am I weird or do I just have a weird ability to feel at home anywhere that I am? I think it's just because as soon as I meet someone I make them my BFF immediately so I never feel lonely cause I have friends everywhere. (Tony knows haha).

Just some random thoughts for you on this Friday (Australia) afternoon or Thursday (American) night.

G'night folks.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hello, I Live Here!!!!

I'm still in Sydney and LOVING it. I got here on Thursday and was pretty useless this weekend due to jet lag and wine consumption. I'm staying with one of Kat's friends (Kat is a Contiki friend). So staying in the living room with Kristy, Laura and Dame-o. They are all so chill and nice I feel like I've known them forever. Kristy and I sat up on Friday and drank ourselves silly on cheap wine and talked about random shit until we decided it was time to go to the beach (round 3am) and smoke...cigs...and stuff. First reason why I love Aus? Beaches everywhere.

I got out today and did some sightseeing, at first glance of the Sydney Opera House I welled up in tears like a dipshit and was glad I remembered sunnies. The city itself is beautiful, but I mostly like the little suburb towns where the nice beaches and relaxed people are.

1. they really do say g'day mate (try not to laugh, dare ya)
2. men with accents really ARE better looking (sorry Americanos)
3. being American here is like being the cool kid, everyone has questions and wants me to say "American" things
4. they are as obsessed with American culture (celebs, music, movies) as we are
5. "Righty-o" means alright then
6. "Hey how you going?" means hi how are you
7. it's approx 50 degrees and there are surfers everywhere in wetsuits and some not, I prefer the non wet suits :)
8. they have a lot of the same stores (7-11, Target, Toys R Us, K Mart, McDonalds, KFC....) you get the point, and it's comforting when I see them
9. they drive on the wrong side of the road, UGH
10. 1 American $ gets me 2 Australian $' the math!!!!!

I'm trying to decide how I'm going to spend my year here, someone told me about these vans called "wicked vans" where you buy them for like...$500 and drive them around Australia and just camp out in diff towns. (Think the VW hippie van, not a Ford Caravan with additional safety features). If I can find a recruit to drive me I'm totally doing it.
That's all the news I have for now, will report back later.
I'm off to ogle some peeps.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Approx 150 Degrees in UK, Hello Australia!

Hey everyone! I'm off to Australia tomorrow and I can't really tell you how I feel because I'm so hot in London that my brain isn't functioning properly. This feels like a NYC summer except NO ONE has freaking air conditioning. So annoying. Tried to go shopping today but was so hot that I just bought a water and poured it on my head.
Shopping: fail.
Sitting at the pub now trying to sit as still as possible so I don't get too hot and start sweating like a whore in church.
Sweating: fail.
I leave tomorrow AM at 9, so that means I have to get up at 6am. Um.....haven't seen that time since I was in Greece and that was cause I was too drunk to sleep. My total travel time is 24 hours and 10 minutes. Only plus side to this is they have AC. Yay! I have a 3 hour stop over in the United Arab Emirates (Every time I say that I start humming "Bombs over Baghdad"). So not PC but whatever, it's funny. Let's hope I get out ok :)
I get to Australia at 6:30PM on Thursday and I'll be in Sydney until the 12th.
Wish me luck in the UAE!