Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and well....sorta. I've had some serious alergies the past week and thought I might die but finally went to a chemist and got some meds. Haven't started looking for a job yet cause I'm still being a lazy ass, and I'm totally fine with that. :)
The apartment is still fabulous, however awkward it may be. I forgot that it was awkward at first in NYC with Mary and Manda, but living with guys makes it about 100 times worse. It's not like they are going to recognize that I'm bored out of my head and need some company. haha. Hopefully we all get to hang out together soon so that I don't feel like such a stranger to them.
Brissy is funny. They have a carnival called Ekka (probably spelled that wrong) and it starts on a Wednesday and it's a public holiday for all of Brisbane. Isn't that the weirdest thing you have ever heard? I thought so. I'm supposed to go to a dinner with one of the roomys for it, apparently this is a big deal around here. It better be fun. Can't wait for some cotton candy and the ferris wheel. Oh to be a kid again....
That's all for now, will write when something actually exciting happens. Like a job. Or a boy...

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