Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's Morgan Freeman, got any bones to collect?

I have always had a life list (known by most as a Bucket List because of that horrible movie with Morgan Freeman). My life list has always had at least 10 items on it but has always been along the same theme.

1. Graduate from college
2. Move to New York City
3. Travel the world

Well, I graduated in May 2006, moved to New York City September 2008 and started traveling March 2009. With a marketing degree, an avid knowledge of the NYC subway system and more than a few passport stamps...what's a girl to do?
That being said, I should be satisfied…right? Well, I find myself forever looking for my next great adventure. My next one way ticket to somewhere, whether that be an actual place or a state of mind. Aside from scuba diving and surfing in Australia (Both booked and planned for September) and riding an elephant in India (I know, really freaking random, but hey, that’s me…and I’ll do that soon enough) there’s not much left on this list.
This would be deemed as a good thing, but what is one to do when their dreams have never included anything more than doing certain things in certain places. I’m beginning to think I need to think of different dreams for myself which freaks me the hell out. DARE I say that maybe one day I’d like to be married. Holy hell, saying that gives me heartburn. I don’t know where this is going (this post I mean) but all I’m saying is, what is next for me? What do I dream of now?
Money and career took over for a while in NYC, but I found myself miserable and in need of several medications (prescribed and…..not).

Any suggestions my dear friends?


Chelsea said...

Love,, Amber, is coming next to ya!
And is the medication, haha ;)

Shannon Bird said...

Hey! Its funny that me and my mom were just talking about this the other day. All your amazing goals that are unachievable to most... you will have done by the time your 25 :) Keep going and dream big! (Not like you dont already do...)