Friday, August 28, 2009

Walt Disney Was So Right

So in case you don't know I'm registered with a temp agency so I'm doing some pretty random jobs, mostly data entry or call center crap that makes me go to my happy place. Yesterday though, I was put in the heart of the Brisbane City Center to hand out fliers for a campaign. I was just smiling and saying G'day when this guy walked towards me and I was like....hmmm, I think I know him. Turns out, it's a guy I hung out with in Santorini, Greece. My friend Kat and I were staying at a pretty small hotel and this guy John was with his friend Craig travelling along, so we made friends with them and did a bit of partying. How crazy is it that I see him in Australia??? Granted, he is Australian, but he lived in Sydney before his travels. But we never exchanged numbers or even facebooks...whoa.

AND THEN. I was on Facebook and kept seeing 2 of my friends saying stuff about Australia this, walkabout this, Australia that. So I messaged him and was like, WTF dude. Turns out 2 guys I went to high school with are moving to a suburb of Brisbane for the next year. Madness, AND they will be staying in Brisbane in 2 weeks for a wedding and many a beers will be drank. Might even break out the cowboy boots. :)

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after's a small, small, world!"

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